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Katie's Hope (Rhyn Trilogy, Book Two) Page 8
Katie's Hope (Rhyn Trilogy, Book Two) Read online
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“I have a project for you,” Kris said as he walked toward the stairs. He looked back to see Ully leaning against the wall to fix his shoes. “Ully, walk!” The scientist obeyed. “Have you had a chance to test the immunity blood Sasha brought?”
“No. I was distracted by Toby. The poor little— ”
“The vial is your concern now. I need confirmation before the Council meets, and I need to know if you can alter whatever it is Sasha’s people did,” Kris said.
“Alter it how?”
“The demons are demanding I return it to them. I want to oblige, only I want the mix to kill them. Slowly, if at all possible.”
“Slowly?” Ully asked, puzzled. “Is quickly an option, if it’s all I can do?”
“You’re both the brightest and dumbest man I’ve ever met.”
Ully fell silent. Kris opened the door to his lab, pushed him in, and closed it. He wiped his face with one hand and ascended, surprised to see Hannah in the hall. He forced his anger and frustration away to keep his eyes from flaring amber, then approached. She looked up at him, her sweet face glowing.
“I hope it’s okay if I wander around for awhile. I’m too excited to sleep,” she admitted. “And the snow makes this place look so magical!”
“It would be my pleasure to show you around,” he said and held out his arm. She accepted it, and they walked down the hall. Her bouncy blond curls brushed his arm as she turned her head to take in the tapestries and look up at the murals on the ceilings.
Her draw was not as consuming as Katie’s, which meant she’d have a much better chance of surviving if not every demon and Immortal was drawn to her.
“May I ask you a few questions about your family?” he asked, puzzled again as to how two Ancient’s mates were born into one family.
“Of course.”
“Do you have any other siblings?”
“Not at all. Katie was born about seven years after me. Our parents thought two was enough.”
“Your parents, are they still alive?”
“A car accident killed them both. I basically raised Katie from the time she was ten,” she said, a sad look crossing her features. “Not sure I did a good job.”
“You did a wonderful job. She’s a … charming woman,” he forced himself to say.
Hannah laughed. “You can say it— she turned out a little rough around the edges!”
“I have to agree with you there. You two couldn’t be more different.”
She beamed.
“I wonder how there came to be two women destined to be Immortal mates in one family. It’s unheard of. Did you ever come to know of your parents being different in any way?”
“Not at all.”
Disappointed, he wasn’t sure what else to ask. Ully would run blood tests on Hannah, but he doubted they’d reveal much more than Katie’s had. He took in her delicate features and felt a familiar warmth stir his blood. She met his gaze and held it, her pupils dilating and a faint flush spreading across her features. He stopped walking and stood close enough for their chests to brush when she breathed in. Waiting for some sign of rejection, he lowered his head until his lips brushed hers.
“What about Gio?” she breathed.
“Do you prefer a prince or his servant?” he asked.
She hesitated only a second more and leaned into him, parting her warm lips to receive his kiss.
Chapter Four
Jade waited for Darkyn to return from his meeting with Kris. He gazed into the black flames of the fire in the hearth. This had been Sasha’s study less than a few days ago. He clenched his fists, not wanting to think about Sasha or Kris or how quickly he, too, could have the tables turned on him as he had done to Sasha.
He’d decided to sleep in here last night, unable to sleep in his bedchamber with the thought of Iliana’s body in the trunk beside the bed. He’d accidently hurt someone innocent, and he didn’t want the reminder. He wouldn’t do it again.
“It went exactly as expected,” Darkyn said as he walked into the study. “Kris refused to turn over Sasha or the vial. He underestimates me.”
“Kris values the Code and his duty more than he does anything,” Jade said with some bitterness.
“You said there is a weakness to the castle that will render the ground no longer sacred.”
“There is.”
At his silence, Darkyn moved closer, his dark eyes piercing and the growl in his chest audible. Jade looked away. Until now, he’d always thought he could turn back. No one but Iliana had died, and the only person he’d betrayed was Sasha, whose death Kris might eventually reward him for by welcoming Jade back into his life and his bed.
“I will have it from you!” Darkyn said and struck him hard enough to knock his breath out as he slammed into the wall. Jade gasped for a moment and steadied himself.
“I … can make it happen,” he said. “You cannot. You have to be in the castle to make it work.”
“You seek to betray me as your predecessor did.”
“No, Darkyn. I want my revenge against Sasha and Kris both, but there are innocent people there.”
“No Immortal is innocent.”
“Let me go to Sasha. I will make him our tool,” Jade said, his mind working fast to find a way to keep Darkyn from destroying everyone. Darkyn studied him and then withdrew a thin collar and approached. Jade flinched as it snapped into place around his neck.
“If you do not return by dawn, this will bring you back to me, and I will show you no mercy,” Darkyn warned.
“Will you consider sparing the rest of the Immortals, master?”
“You came to me to destroy those who have wronged you. I want revenge for my daughter’s treatment at Sasha’s hands, and I want the vial or the girl. I own you now, Jade. Do not question me again.”
Darkyn strode out, and Jade watched him, torn. Sasha and Kris were his enemies, not the rest of the Immortals! He had come to Darkyn in desperation, after Sasha had invited him to his bed and then dumped him off with the demons. He’d been spared for what he knew of the Immortals, and Darkyn had taken a personal liking to him.
A violent liking to him. Jade shuddered. Demons knew no other way.
It’s better to reign in Hell …
As Kris’s confidante of several hundred years, he knew most of the Immortal’s secrets. He’d been unable to shake the empty hole in his heart resulting from Kris flinging him to the side to pursue a human female. Even as he thought of his last moments with Kris, he felt his anger turn to resolve.
The Immortals deserved neither mercy nor peace, especially their leader. He was doing Kris’s next lover a favor. He’d use the tricks of manipulation he’d learned from Kris and Sasha both to get Sasha to do what he wanted. And then, the both of them would be gone. Forever. His revenge was all that would make him whole again.
Determined, he went to the one spot in Hell where he could cross into the shadow world. A demon guarded the tiny spot, no larger than a meter square. He opened a portal and crossed through. Long ago, before Sasha broke from the Council, he had stayed in a corner chamber overlooking the forest. Jade emerged from the shadow world into the chamber’s spacious closet and stood silently, listening.
He heard movement outside the closet and eased the door open far enough to peek into the well-lit room. Sasha sat before the hearth as if deep in thought. Jade couldn’t help the flash of anger he felt at the sight of such a creature comfortable and content.
“Sasha,” he said, flinging open the closet door. Sasha turned to face him, covering his surprise with a smile that made Jade’s skin crawl.
“Jade, my friend. How are you?” he purred.
“Seems I’m not as well off as you are. How quickly you found a safe place,” Jade replied.
“My brother Kris is too good, as you know.”
“He can’t protect you forever, Sasha.”
“I think he can and will. The fool doesn’t have the backbone to kill me as he probably should.”
More anger stirred as Jade bit his lip to keep from defending Kris. No matter how badly Kris had hurt him, it hadn’t been for a selfish cause like Sasha’s.
“That’s your plan?” Jade asked. “Stay here in this room forever?”
“Simple and effective.”
“You won’t get tired of it here or bored? I know your appetite for women and men, Sasha. Kris won’t tolerate what you do to them.”
“My … ways can be sated quietly.”
Jade crossed to the window and looked out, formulating a plan to let the demons into the castle using Sasha. He debated with himself again. Once he crossed this line, he could never return.
“You’re troubled,” Sasha said and rose. “I can ease that tension.”
“Darkyn sent me, Sasha.”
“I see the collar. I assumed as much. I’d be a bigger fool than Kris to return with you, Jade.”
“That’s not why I’m here. He is offering you a deal,” he said slowly. “If you can help him get to Kris, he’ll call it even and leave you alone.”
“And the Dark One?”
“Might help get you back in the Dark One’s favor, but I’m here for Darkyn only.”
“So, hand over Kris on a silver platter, and I’m free of those pesky demons,” Sasha mused.
“You can use the vial to blackmail your way back,” Jade added.
“It’ll be hard to get my brother alone outside the castle where Darkyn can snatch him.”
“Or you can bring the demons here.”
Sasha was quiet, and Jade faced him. He expected Sasha to sense his betrayal, but Sasha’s gaze glowed for a different reason.
“I’m impressed, Jade,” Sasha said. “I thought you too weak to think like I do.”
“You and Kris toughened me up.”
“We did. Unfortunate, but I like the result. I only know of one way to let the demons in. You are certain Darkyn will consider this repayment for his whore-daughter?”
“Absolutely,” Jade said without hesitation. “I haven’t even changed your apartment in Hell.”
Sasha considered him long and hard. Jade waited, hoping Sasha’s desire to return to Hell or take out Kris overwhelmed any suspicion he had.
“Speaking of my ways …” Sasha said, his gaze turning lustful. Jade swallowed hard, still hurt from his last night with Darkyn. If this was what it took to seal the deal with Sasha …
“I have to be back by dawn,” he said.
“I’ll be done with you by then.”
Resigned, Jade peeled off his shirt, the sense of triumph making him feel sick to his stomach.
Katie awoke to the healer’s cool touch on her arm. She struggled into a sitting position, her neck achy from her spot sleeping on the floor before the fire. Lankha worked his magic with his micro suede-covered hands and gentle touch. He was almost done when the burst of coolness awoke her, and she looked down to see him smoothing the skin around her faded wound.
“How’s Toby?” she asked, gaze going to the bed.
“Angel is well. Must resssst,” Lankha said. “And you must ressssst.”
“This is the least bad wound I’ve had yet.”
“Not for wound. For…” and he pointed to her stomach. She froze then looked around to ensure no one was there to overhear them.
“You’re certain?” she whispered.
“If you tell anyone, Rhyn will pull your arms and legs off like you’re a grasshopper!”
He gasped. She felt bad for scaring him but knew the alternative— people like Kris or Sasha finding out— would doom her. She’d have to pray Rhyn didn’t drop by her mind when she thought of it, or when she was trying to figure out what to do.
Her eyes went to Toby. She couldn’t raise a kid in a place of demons and psychos! She stood abruptly and crossed to the bathroom, wanting to be alone. She had no luck in life!
The next time I visit the human world, I’ll be leaving with two souls. Gabriel’s ominous warning suddenly made sense. Her body trembling, she sat on the edge of the Jacuzzi tub, staring into space. Urgency surged within her. There was nowhere she could run from Gabriel, who had orders to bring her and the life within her to Death. Was all truly lost?
Rhyn could never know. Tears began to spill down her face as she understood the depth of Gabriel’s pain. She sat in the bathroom and ran the shower to cover the sound of her crying, completely lost as to what to do.
“Katherine?” Hannah called with a loud knock.
“Just a sec! Almost done!” she belted and scrambled up to lock the door. She looked in the mirror, distraught, then scrubbed her face and turned off the shower. When she emerged, it was to the sight of a glowing, ecstatic Hannah, who sat on the edge of her bed talking to a sleepy Toby. The healer was huddled next to the fireplace, afraid to move with the presence of the newcomer. Katie’s jealousy stirred again.
“Toby,” Katie said, crossing to the bed. The baby angel gave a small smile that filled her with relief. He looked exhausted. “You okay?”
“I’m fine, Mama,” he said with a noisy sigh. “Hungry.”
“I’ll get you some soup and cocoa,” she said and rose. Her gaze went to Hannah, who looked so sunny, she wondered what had happened. “You wanna come, Hannah?”
“I’d love to!”
Her gush made Katie feel old and crotchety. Hannah had been a kept woman with no problems since meeting Gio, whereas Katie had always struggled to find her path. Hannah would be a basket case if she only knew the extent of Katie’s issues!
She walked to the door and pulled it open for Hannah in her straw-colored pants and light pink sweater. Hannah no longer wore her engagement ring, and Katie wondered why she was so happy when she must know by now Gio wasn’t coming back for her.
They entered the dining room, which was filled for brunch. Katie ignored the looks of those nearest her, and Hannah looked around, happy.
“Just need some soup to go,” Katie told the host, who snapped his fingers at a servant. “And whatever you want, Hannah.”
“Master Kris has ordered us to respect any wish you have, Miss Hannah. You’ll find our chefs the best in the world,” the host said, ignoring Katie to address her sister.
Hannah blushed, and Katie looked at her anew.
“You slept with him?” she asked. “That’s quick even by your standards.”
“Not so loud,” Hannah replied with an apologetic look at the host.
“Didn’t you just get dumped by one Immortal?”
“Kris explained everything to me last night, Katherine.”
“Explained what? That he manipulated Gio and now you?”
Hannah looked again to the host, who pretended not to hear despite being less than two feet away. Furious, Katie left before she made more of a scene that would embarrass her sister. She was pacing the hall in front of the dining area when Hannah emerged a short time later carrying a large tote.
“I suppose he explained what he did to me, too,” Katie snapped. “Or did he leave that part out?”
“He explained he’s tried to do his best but doesn’t always succeed, like anyone, Katherine,” Hannah said. “You’re making a big deal out of this. I’m an adult, and so is he.”
“You’re my sister. Don’t you find it odd he was so quick to come on to you?”
“He believes we’re meant to be.”
“And what do you believe?”
“I believe …” Hannah drifted off, looking around her. “I believe I could be very comfortable living here.” She smiled. Katie watched her walk down the hall toward her chambers, stunned. Hannah saw nothing but the gilded world around her; she had no idea about the dark underside to the Immortal world.
Katie had hoped to make her sister a confidante but knew it was impossible so long as Kris’s claws were wrapped securely around Hannah. Gabriel, Rhyn, Hannah. Those who might’ve been her friends were gone. Gabriel didn’t have a choice, Rhyn she was trying to protect, but Hannah … the
sense of betrayal within her made her feel ill again. Of all the Immortals and creatures in the world, she felt even closer to the outcast that was her mate.
The answer became clear. She and Toby had to leave. There had to be somewhere she could go where they’d leave her alone, at least until Gabriel came for her. Her thoughts drifted to the Sanctuary, the only place she’d felt safe. When Toby was better, she’d take him and go. The convent would do a better job raising him than the Immortals. But now, she wanted a word with a certain Ancient.
Katie walked to Kris’s chamber on the floor below. She heard a muffled response to her knock and walked in, not caring if he bid her enter or get lost. Kris wasn’t there, but Sasha was.
She stopped in place. The door swung closed behind her, and fear trickled through her. She reminded herself she wasn’t defenseless with him this time. If she called for Rhyn, he would come.
“I’m looking for Kris,” she said, unable to help covering her neck with one hand.
“That makes two of us,” Sasha said and rose from his seat beside the fire. He looked her up and down in approval, his gaze lingering on her neck. She silently thanked Lankha for healing her without her asking him. “You look well.”
“Better than the last time we met.”
“You’re in one piece,” he agreed and circled her with predatory slowness. She tried to keep her breathing steady even as she wanted to run screaming and hide behind Rhyn. “Something is different about you, though.”
Her breath caught as she considered more Immortals than Rhyn might be able to read her mind. Sasha snatched her neck with one hand, his movement too fast for her to defend herself against.
“Don’t!” she cried, squeezing her eyes closed as she waited for the pain of him tearing into her neck as he had once before. He didn’t attack, simply let his cold power loose into her for a long moment before releasing her.
She opened her eyes, breathing hard. Sasha stepped back, a smile tugging up one side of his mouth.
“So simple,” he said. “They can find you on the Sanctuary, too. They can find you everywhere, except Hell.”
“Never going back there.”